Free Fairy Yellow 1 Cursors at

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019


The wind slips through the broken window licking painfully
the wounds of Silvia, who put on her makeup in the mirror
while she eats her cry.
Silvia is painting in red the blue in her lips,
in peach the black in her eye,
in flesh his fingers marked in purple in her arm …
while she lies to her reflection,
again,saying this is the last time,
that he has apologized to her, truly this time,
that she deserves his deformed words and blows,
that without him she would be nothing and that
he, deep in his heart,
loves her.
And so it goes a day,
a week,a year …
until one day is the cold and dirty water who slips through
her mouth and licks her wounds while makeup and
embraces her skin in a silent hug that turns off her life.
Rise.", By Noke Yuitza.
The Birds was part of my Art Installation Rise.
I did them as a reflection of the wish for freedom, now released as sculpt
grass for you in black and white
Group Gift

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